Google will favor the HTTPS or secure connections in the SEO


HTTPS adds since the beginning of August the set of more than 200 influential factors in the rankings. Google recommendations ahead of the implementation of a secure https protocol or changed before affected negatively, as it indicated to the search engines that all contents were in a https site were secure or encrypted content.

HTTPS refers to Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is a cryptographic protocol for secure connections, mainly in Internet.

In early August Google it has advised all webmasters include safe navigation in the navigation protocol, always to favor users and protect its integrity.

As Google says its effect and weight of time are limited , it affects less than 1% of global searches that are performed. It can not be compared with the importance of other factors such as quality content or practices of achieving backlinks.

Matt Cutts seems that once again makes your dreams come true, since a few months ago in the SMX West announced he would love to make the SSL (TLS predecessor) positioning a factor.

To make clear that he is serious, Google said that in the coming weeks will publish a handbook with best practice for widespread adoption of secure protocol is simple and common errors are resolved.

At the moment we propose to start with a few tips:

  • Decide what kind of certificate you need: unique, for several domains or a wildcard certificate.
  • Certificates use 2,048-bit key.
  • Use relative URLs to resources that are hosted on the same secure domain.
  • Use relative URLs protocol for other domains.
  • Check the article on exchange site for more information on how to change the website address.
  • No trace block HTTPS site using a robots.txt file.
  • Allow search engines to index the pages of the web site whenever possible. Avoid using meta tag “noindex”.

To make a successful migration and prevent falls of traffic is necessary to apply the common standards to any type of web migration and wait for, secure future, Google guidelines. Meanwhile, Google Webmaster Tools has already been updated to display information from the HTTPS version of the websites.

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